Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Survey 2

Survey 2

Q Do you think it is the manager's responsibility to establish the climate for managing ethically within the organization? Why, or why not?

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An organistaion is run by the employees who work their best in order to bring the maximum productivity in the work place. It has ti be seen that in the process of making this maximum outout teher has been amnay a tiems when the employees might have resorted to the easy way of doing the task. The momenh the employeeventure into the easy way of doing the task, it is the employee who indusge in the unethical behveiirp leading to the overall destruction of the entire workplace. It was the case of the low level scenario, coming to the upper management it has been seen many a tiems where the manager sna the ceo tend to resort to unethical wys of cinducting a business leading to most of the destruction n the workplace and in the overall productivity of the organisation. It is tewh work of the mamger ot look after the overall employees and their work out of which ithe most important thing that comes to the picture is the ethical wsy of condudtjnga a sbusiness. Ethiwcal way of conductng a business refers to the way how an employee would be dealing with the work with the morla and the values in mind. The maner has a very important role to paley in this aspect as he is the one in charge to look after the employeeas tehw ay they do the work. If the manger fails to recognise the unethical way of doing the business it leads to many destruction in the workplace as wella s the employees work. The climate of an organsition is one of the most important ascept that facilitate the type of work the employees would resort to . it has been seen that in most of the caes the climatwe aids the employees to take a step that is unetehical and the managers fails to catch it.